Dear Students of DIA016/017/DIS008/DBM014/015/DIT025/DIM001/DIE001/DEM001,
Please be informed that you are required to attend an Industrial Training briefing on 6.11.2017 (Monday) and 7.11.2017 (Tuesday) from 9.00am until 12.00pm at LR 6a & LR6b.
- Students of DIA016/DIA017 & DBM014/DBM015 are to attend the Industrial Training briefing on 6.11.2017 (Monday) from 9.00am until 12.00pm at LR 6a & LR 6b.
- Students of DIT025, DIM001, DIE001 & DEM001 are to attend the Industrial Training briefing on 7.11.2017 (Tuesday) from 9.00am until 12.00pm at LR6a & LR 6b.
Your attendance is COMPULSORY. Please be punctual for the briefing.
Thank you.
Desmond Sim
Registry Department