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Student Guide to LMS

The LMS is a password protected online learning environment that allows you to locate learning materials and activities related to your studies from any location with internet access.

Site: RCC E-Learning Management System
Course: RCC E-Learning Management System
Book: Student Guide to LMS
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Date: Sunday, 22 December 2024, 1:00 AM

1 How to login

Go to and log in using your email ID/full email address and pin number (password).

2 How to reset password

If a user is unable to login to LMS, the most common issue is a forgotten password or username.LMS has a feature that will reset the password and display the username linked to an email address.
The process for this is as follows:

1. From the login page, click the “Forgotten your username or password?” link.

2. From here, enter your username (if you know it) OR your email address associated with your LMS account. DO NOT ENTER BOTH.

3.  Moodle will respond with the following message. Click Continue, then go check your email

4.  In your email, you will receive a message from NiiT LMS Admin  that looks like this. If you don’t receive the email, check in your Junk Mail folder. If you can, make sure to tell your email that messages from NiiT are not junk messages. Click the link provided to confirm and have a new password sent.

5.  The link will take you back to LMS for a notification that the password has been changed and sent. Click on Continue, then go back to your email again.

6.  You will now have an email confirming your username and providing a new password. This password is auto-generated and is a confusing mix of letters, numbers, and symbols. You will want to change this as soon as you can! The easiest way to ensure you are using the correct password is to copy and paste it. 

a. Select the password with no blank spaces in front of or behind.

b. Press the “Ctrl” key and the “C” key at the same time to copy.

c. Click the link to log into Moodle and change the password

7.  Once you have completed reset your password successfully.  It will redirect you to the home page of LMS.

3 I am a first time user

You can log in using your email ID/full email address and pin number (password) is set to your IC/Passport number.

4 When I log into LMS, I don’t see my courses

Should you encounter any problem with your login, please  approach the Centre's Counselling Unit or call this number 082-242411.

Feed the help desk with the following information:

1.  Your email address

2.  You student matrix number

3.  You program code and intake number

5 I cannot see the course materials that my lecturer has uploaded

If you cannot see your course materials, try the following:

  • If your lecturer is teaching multiple sections of the same course, he/she may be uploading course materials into the combined course which students cannot see.
  • Inform your lecturer and make sure he/she has uploaded the course materials in the correct course and section.

6 Can I edit my profile?

No.  Currently we not allow student to edit the profile information.

If you find any information is incorrect, please inform approach Centre's Counselling Unit or call this number 082-242411.

7 Will I receive notification via e-mail when my lecturer adds activities such as assignments, forums, etc?

E-mail notification will be sent to all students automatically when lecturer add activities such as assignments, forums, quizzes, online chat, web conferencing, etc.

8 Can I access iTa’leem using mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets?

You need to download and install the free Moodle Mobile app and install it on your mobile device.

  • For Android users, go to Google Play store to download and install Moodle Mobile.
  • For iPhone and iPad users, you can download Moodle Mobile from iTunes.

Make sure that you have the original app from Moodle Pty Ltd.  Seach for "Moodle Mobile" in Google Play.

9 My lecturer has posted a forum topic and requested students to reply and discuss the topic given. However I can view the forum but I cannot reply. I don’t see any button or link to reply.

Your lecturer posted the forum in the News forum where students can only view but cannot reply. The News forum is for lecturers to send announcements to students. If the subject is main for discussion, please inform your lecturer to add another forum activity in the course page so that students can view and reply to the forum.

10 Why does not my browser show the control in the correct location?

This site is best viewed with Chrome 40.0.2214.111 m and Firefox v35.0.1 and above.

For lecturers, the preferred browser is Firefox v35.0.1 and above